in which Tom demonstrates that he, too, can keep up with them kids these days with their blogs and their MTV and their Super Nintendo

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Important annual landmark date

This afternoon at 4pm, the temperature slid above 11 degrees Celsius for the first time all year, accompanied by a 22 km/h breeze from the southwest and 76% relative humidity.

In accordance with the laws of the universe, that means that tomorrow morning a great many of the young females of the Hamilton area will reach into their closets and pull out the skirts that had heretofore been off-duty for the winter. Like a pent up dam of skin-covering-behaviour breaking open, the year's most pleasant, yet subtly eerie, example of groupthink will be upon us.

Past precedent suggests that there may well be a retreat from exposed leg the day after tomorrow, as in such matters there's an inevitable tendency towards overly optimistic assessments of the true degree of springiness outside. A few nasty drafts shall in all likelihood make clear to the fair sex that we're not quite into June yet, and so Thursday could well be business as usual.

Nonetheless, my fellow gentlemen, we still have tomorrow. A quick review of our discreet oogling skills in the mirror before bed tonight might be advisable in order to shake off some of the cobwebs.

Best of luck to you all.

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