in which Tom demonstrates that he, too, can keep up with them kids these days with their blogs and their MTV and their Super Nintendo

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Alright. I promise the next post won't have moving pixels. Only words. Cold, heartless words.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Red Menace

Today's seriously weird shit I found on youtube (tm) is a cover of a song by a probably-gay militant socialist vegetarian by two probably-straight postcommunist lolita constructs.

Which still has one of the crunchiest guitar licks of all time.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Muppet social scene

Once upon a time, I actually felt like I had worthwhile textual content to share with the universe. Then I did the following calculation:

1 Picture = 1000 words
1 second of flash video = 24 frames
∴ 1 second of video = 24000 words

2:27 of video = 147 seconds
∴ 2:27 of video = 3528000 words

War and Peace = 560000 words (approx)
∴ 2:27 of video = 6.3 War and Peaces.

So, really, this whole blogging text thing could be considered a waste of time. Just finding cool stuff on YouTube and posting it is considerably more efficient.

On that note, the below is awesome.

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

In honour of Pride Week

Like many of those Things That Art Good, we owe Stephen Colbert general gratitude.

(Oh, and H/T to Wells for posting this first, probably because he is not presently living a cable-free existence. Not a Colbert-sized H/T, mind you, but a substantive one nonetheless.)

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Today's rnadom thought

Why is it that we abbreviate "Shetland Sheepdog" to "Sheltie"? Shouldn't it be "Shetlie"?

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Friday, March 28, 2008

A guitar is just a ukulele with two training strings

In what's fast emerging as a time-honoured solution to filling those awkward long gaps in which I've obviously had nothing to blog about, here's a cool YouTube video.

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Special deleted scene

My various primal needs to eat and/or be sheltered have, in their own little complex way, led me to spend this past evening assembling a portfolio of writing samples. Funny, this life thing.

So just to be totally clear, it was thatrather than unbridled vanitythat prompted me to go digging through my hard drive in search of pieces of writing from assorted degrees of back in the day, and then indulging in a little bit of self-reading. And yeah, I'd be lying if this didn't make for a somewhat soppy nostalgic exercise with the occasional exhortation under my breath of how goddamn awesome I used to be. I tried to cut down on the creepy old-lady-scrapbooking vibe by watching Fridays without Borders on Showcase at the same time. I think that helped.
(Aside: This exercise in barely-watching/mostly-listening prompted the discovery that those ads for Quest telephone personals that they run wall-to-wall during commercial breaks in that programming lineupfor reasons that boggle, absolutely boggle my mindhave ripped off the baseline from "With or Without You" by U2. You heard it from me first, Island-Records-copyright-guy ...who's accidentally surfed here-for-no-obvious-reason. I want a cut of the settlement. And a bass signed by Adam Clayton.)
Somewhere between hearing Paul "P.T." Thomas expound about his desensitization to breast implants and watching Adam Glasser tell a therapist about how his girlfriend left him, unbeknowst to me, in some previous episode of Family Business, I stumbled across an old chunk of copy from November 2004 that I did for my column "View from the Rear" in Incite magazine. As best I can recall, it began life as a digression within one month's piece that I had clipped out and set aside as a neat starting point for some other month. In fact, I distinctly remember feeling rather chuffed that I'd be coming at that month's deadline with a 300-ish word head start. It smacked of, well, organization.

Anyway, me being me, "some other month" turned out to be 40 and counting. And not doing that column anymore, and not feeling particularly inclined to add another 900-odd words onto what I had, and having actually had parts of what I'd written now be, in that great authorly phrase, superseded by events, I had this dismal realization that it was sort of useless.

Except, thinks I, as filler for the blog! Requires limited effort, maintains illusion of fresh content, re-emphasizes brand strength of back catalogue. Sheer genius.

Besides, George Lucas takes shit like this, sticks it on DVDs, and gets people to already own a Star Wars box set to buy whole other ones. I present my leftover crap for free.

Samuel Huntington is a creepy old bastard who gave the field of international relations a delightfully dreary new theory a few years back which he dubbed “the clash of civilizations.” Sam basically carves the world into about ten ethnic chunks, claims that the cultural and values-based gulfs between them are unbridgeable, and postulates that we’re destined to spend the next century or so slaying one another across these fault lines. I bet Sam was a real hit at parties.

The theory can be fairly readily summed up as “the clash of funny headgear.” Essentially, people in turbans will never get along with people who wear baseball caps, people with yarmulkes will never get along with people who wear headscarves, and people in ushankas will never get along with whatever hats people in sub-Saharan Africa can afford.

If you’ve ever meandered through some banal corner of Brampton, you probably will not have noticed a significant amount of mortar fire hitting neighbourhoods with sombrero-wearing inhabitants originating from some apartment building reportedly containing a guy in a fez. I don’t think Huntington has ever been to Brampton, though.

Neither, to the best of my knowledge, have two notable followers of his thinking: George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden. Now, speaking as someone who’s dealt with the eyestrain and brainstrain that customarily follow slogs through a thick wad of Huntington in poorly-photocopied coursepack form, I can assure you that Bush probably hasn’t read him—the Flesch-Kincaid grade level being the primary barrier. (Thankfully, George has Dick, Donald, Condoleeza and Paul to do his reading for him.) Likewise, I don’t know if bin Laden finds time for reading pompous crap from some old white guy when he could be sacrificing a goat or something.

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